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diba experteninterview

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski in an expert interview: Successful Entrepreneur and Founder of myostyle

As a successful Entrepreneur in the Fitness Industry, Diba Nazar-Czaplinski has turned her passion into her Profession. She first encountered EMS technology in 2010 during the early stages of her career as a Personal Trainer. She was convinced of the potential of this training method and began setting up EMS Franchise Studios for EMS Fitness Clubs in Dubai and neighboring countries in 2011 followed by taking over the Management of the German Bodystylers branch in 2020. By founding myostyle GmbH in 2021, she launched a new, innovative EMS System designed for training in places other than traditional studios.

myostyle: Ms. Nazar-Czaplinski, you’ve been in the fitness industry since 2008, that's 15 years. What brought you here and what has kept you in the industry up to this day?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: Personally, I have always been an enthusiastic sportswoman. However, due to family and cultural obstacles, I was only able to start my professional career as a Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Coach relatively late. My long-cherished dream of having my own Personal Trainer Studio came true in 2010 with my "LanayaVital Bodyforming Lounge". In addition, I started teaching Back Training courses at the VHS. This was something I also loved, as it enabled me to make a difference and the participants felt noticeably better after just a few weeks. Getting this feedback was the best reward for me!

In 2010, as part of an advanced training course, I came across EMS training. I had previously kept my clients fit with Running lessons, Nutritional advice, Back Training and even Boxing training. However, I faced the same challenge as many other Personal Trainers: Clients must be motivated, otherwise appointments are always postponed or canceled. When I integrated EMS training into my studio at the time, the cancellations became less and less frequent. Finally, my clients only had to overcome their "inner weaker self" for 20 minutes. I also noticed that my EMS customers were amazingly fit in other classes, such as Pilates. Where did this strength come from? From EMS training! One customer commented: " I can no longer get out of breath when I walk to my apartment on the 3rd floor ...". Another customer was suddenly able to hold a plank for several minutes. And yet another was so motivated after just two EMS training sessions with me that he signed up for a Running course and even started playing Golf again.

myostyle: With myostyle and Bodystylers, you have established two successful companies. What motivated you to do this and which target group did you have in mind in particular?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: I believe that the human body is made for movement and should be trained to be as active as possible. However, you have to face reality and accept that, due to evolution, humans are designed to "save energy for a rainy day" and "be ready to sprint when the attacking saber-toothed tiger comes after us". In other words, we only exercise when we have to. Very few people do sport out of passion. So the question is, as a Personal Trainer, how do you motivate the vast majority?

It's not necessarily because clients don't know what they're doing, most of them know exactly what they're doing when they sit in front of Netflix for hours or treat themselves to a pizza - I've also looked after doctors who do exactly the same thing! Motivation is the key, and that requires a sense of achievement: The quicker I was able to show my clients their first successes, the longer they stayed on track. EMS training was exactly the right solution! It allows me to train EVERY Client individually, regardless of their Training Level - and it's easy on the joints, time-saving and safe.

On top of that, I was able to relieve my clients from annoying Back Pain. In order to be able to describe the target group precisely, we evaluated the studio visits, i.e. 3000 training sessions carried out in more than 20 EMS studios over the last 10 years. And this clearly shows that it is mainly customers with little time, customers with health restrictions that make training in the gym almost impossible, and customers who have tried everything and failed time and time again.

myostyle: Both of your ventures are based on EMS technology. What is behind this term and what fascinates you personally about it?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: EMS stands for "Electrical Muscle Stimulation". This means that external devices can be used to stimulate and contract the muscles with electrical impulses. This is exactly what the body does by sending our nervous system a signal in the form of an electrical impulse that is transmitted along the nerve cells, known as neurons. After synaptic transmission, the muscle fiber is activated. This is what happens when we decide to lift a box of water. Our muscles contract.

The best thing about EMS technology is that you can not only achieve certain fitness goals, but also benefit from enormous therapeutic advantages: EMS is more effective and more tolerable than conventional strength training, as it is particularly gentle on the joints. It can also be used to build up muscles in a static manner, for example after a knee injury if you are otherwise unable to move. We can therefore address a wide range of needs and train almost anyone safely, effectively, and gently.

As I always tell my clients, the muscles are the Gold of our Body. Muscles move the entire skeleton and because EMS training reaches almost the entire musculature, we can build up and correctly align the Skeletal muscles in a very short time. This has many benefits, such as preventing Back Pain.

myostyle: EMS is often referred to as the Training of the Future. What features make EMS training so potent compared to normal Training in the Fitness Studio?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: In recent years, EMS training has virtually exploded worldwide. Nobody questions whether it works or not - this has been proven in numerous studies. This technology has been used in the Health sector for decades and is now also available in studios for recreational sports. And EMS training simply fits in perfectly with our times: Completing an intensive workout in less than 30 minutes, including getting dressed and undressed, is of course ideal for our stressful everyday lives.

However, it is important to differentiate between the technologies offered in the studios. Many customers don't know this, but not all EMS is the same - there are big differences in terms of the Technology, the Handling and also the Hygiene!

Good Systems work with a Mix of Medium and Low Frequency Technology to ensure a safe and effective Training. The manufacturers have a great deal of knowledge behind them in terms of Training Research and Electrical Therapy. Good systems are simple and easy to use. They also provide Beginners with a gentle, safe introduction to EMS training. State-of-the-art systems make customers independent of Trainers and Studios and educate people about the subject of healthy electricity.

Most Studios, on the other hand, only work with Low Frequency current, which is simply less effective. In addition, conventional systems are very complicated, both in terms of handling the electrodes and operating the equipment, so that the customer cannot train independently and does not really understand the system. This becomes dangerous with systems that train the customer to exhaustion in order to prove an effect. Another negative factor in conventional studios is Hygiene: Many systems are difficult to disinfect in a short space of time, so the customer gets into the sweaty suit of the previous user.

The advantages compared to conventional Strength Training are obvious. You don't have to train each muscle individually, but can stimulate and optimally strengthen all muscle groups at once. With our wireless system, you can train completely independent, anywhere, anytime and without a Trainer. No driving to the gym, no traffic jams, no expensive PT lessons... With the simple introduction, which is also possible for a beginner thanks to the app, you become your own best Trainer. And the most important thing: The "battle with your inner weaker self" is much easier because you no longer have to spend hours in the Gym!

myostyle: With myostyle, you have created a Pioneer product in the field of EMS training. What are the Top 3 reasons why Customers should choose this product?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: When developing myostyle, I brought together all my knowledge from the last 13 years and the experiences of thousands of Customers in our Studios to filter out the Optimal solution for the Customer. I have trained with almost all existing EMS systems and analyzed each one from the Customer's perspective. Each had advantages and disadvantages, and none of them were optimal for the end customer, who knows nothing about electricity and may be afraid to use the system alone without a Trainer. This was really the central question if you want to bring EMS technology out of the Studio and into Home Training: How can the customer train safely and effectively without a Trainer? This topic became particularly relevant during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

And that's exactly what our myostyle system makes possible: It has a very simple structure and accompanies Beginners with the app until they become professional EMS users. We have also built genuine all-round customer support into the app. We offer far more than just technical training instructions, including Individual Training Plans, Nutrition Plans and Relaxation Programs with Massage and Meditation.

Safety is guaranteed by the implementation of the most innovative Mid Frequency technology in a very small, mobile device that is based on a medical DIN standard. We have also done real pioneering work in the design of the myostyle suit and, together with our technical team, have separated the arms and chest channels. This means that we do not transmit any electrical impulses via the heart's sinus node. Training with the myostyle EMS suit is also very gentle on the skin and feels very comfortable.

myostyle: What was your Vision when you decided to found myostyle?

Diba Nazar-Czaplinski: My Vision is that many people see EMS as the most effective training for improving their health and get to know its Therapeutic effect. The use of healthy electricity has a centuries-old tradition in medicine. It is important for customers to gain confidence and, through our informative work, to better understand and use the EMS. Despite the recent popularity, EMS technology and its use is still in its early stages. It is only used for fitness without exploiting its full potential. We could help an incredible number of people to get fit and healthy - and that is exactly my wish and goal for the future.