
Protein and a toned physique
It’s tough to find a report about fitness and nutrition in which the subject of protein isn’t addressed. And there is a good reason for this. But we’re not going to focus on raw eggs or muscle-bound bodybuilders. Instead, we’re going to take a closer look at proteins.
High-protein nutrition: an important factor for health
The term protein is derived from the Greek word “proteious” which means “primary” or “of prime importance”. In our bodies, proteins are responsible for building tissue, amongst other things, and create structure and stability. They also transport fats, help to make hormones and enzymes and support circulation. Therefore, protein is also in an important factor in recovering from illnesses. Imagine your body is a house and proteins are the larger bricks.
Protein consumption and training
In general, the myostyle team also recommends a protein-rich diet. Drinking a delicious protein shake after training is a great way to make sure you’re getting enough protein. The optimal daily protein intake that is currently recommended is 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So a man weighing 80 kg should consume 160 grams of protein every day, not just on training days. It is also important to make sure you are drinking enough water. Two litres of mineral water per day is the minimum amount you should be drinking, but we recommend between three and four litres per day depending on your level of activity.
Quick results: Your skin becomes tighter, your muscles grow and become more toned – that’s why protein is key to looking younger and more attractive.
Can you build muscle and burn fat with protein?
Now we know that a protein-rich diet is particularly important when it comes to building and retaining muscle. But protein is also your best friend when it comes to losing weight! This is because protein keeps you feeling full for a long time. It also only slightly raises insulin levels, in contrast to carbohydrates, and stimulates the breakdown of fat.
Okay, but which one is it? Build muscle or lose weight? It is possible to do both at the same time to a certain degree, particularly when you first start training or playing sport. The increased physical activity stimulates your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories, while the training stimuli from your training sessions stimulate muscle growth. However, this effect diminishes after you have been training for a while. At this point, you should focus on muscle building phases and weight loss phases.