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wie funktioniert ems

This is how your successful training with EMS works

EMS stands for Electrical Muscle Stimulation - a highly effective training method that is equally popular with competitive athletes and fitness fans. Especially since EMS enthusiasts no longer have to rely on studios: With modern EMS suits for training at home, you can train anytime and anywhere!

Your special advantage with myostyle: With the Smart Suit you can start your workout immediately and without time-consuming preparation. You always train at your own pace - the myostyle Smart App serves as your personal trainer. Short training sessions, sufficient recovery time - with a personal training plan, your fitness goals are within reach!

EMS: From a therapy method to a full-body workout

When it comes to fitness & home training, the use of EMS systems appears to be a comparatively new trend. However, only the adaptation to independent training at home is new - the technology itself has already proven itself over decades.

Electrical muscle stimulation training (also called electromyostimulation) was originally developed in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, where it is used both to relieve pain and to build strength after injury.

Since the 1970s, EMS training has also been increasingly used in competitive sports. Its focus is on the targeted strengthening of muscle areas that are particularly stressed, depending on the type of sport. This can significantly improve jumping power and joint stability.

In the 1990s, the potential of EMS for fitness was discovered: EMS studios appeared in many places, promising an effective full-body workout for all major muscle groups. Training took place in rented suits, under the guidance of a coach.

Through EMS studios, more and more people discovered the benefits of this training method for themselves. The development of modern EMS suits for training at home was the next logical step: With the myostyle Ultra EMS system you train 100% flexible, highly effective and with maximum comfort!

How it works: What makes training with current pulses so effective

The technical functioning of EMS training is directly in the name: The EMS system generates electrical impulses that are transmitted to the skin via electrodes, spread through the tissue and generate muscle contractions.

EMS system intensifies every exercise: Whether squat or bench press - the electrical impulses stimulate the tensed muscles beyond the body's own level. So you can achieve visible results with only two short workouts per week in just 1-3 months.

With myostyle, the big advantage is that you train with innovative mid-frequency technology and optimal pulse transmission through electrodes with a large surface area. Many of our customers find training with the myostyle Smart Suit more pleasant than with conventional EMS systems:

  • The medium-frequency impulses are perceived as a wavelike tingling sensation - a clear sign of positive cell activation
  • You can set the program and its intensities by yourself
  • the training is absolutely painless and makes at most gentle muscle soreness

The key data of a successful training: What you should pay attention to

Whether you already have experience with EMS training in the studio or are completely new to it: With your own EMS suit you can use the full potential of this training method.

The special advantages of myostyle: With the Smart Suit you are ready to go at any time, completely without time-consuming preparation. In addition, with the myostyle Smart App, you can train individually without the assistance of a professional trainer.

You only need a few short EMS workouts per week to achieve your fitness goals. The best thing about it: The myostyle app takes care of the entire workout planning for you. You can find all workouts and rest periods in your calendar and track your progress!

myostyle advantages: you are immediately ready to start training

Your myostyle Smart Suit enables you to train 100% flexibly - without being restricted by the opening hours of a studio, without having to make an appointment in advance, without having to travel long distances. With your own EMS suit you are ready to train anytime and anywhere!

The best thing about the myostyle design: You can start your workout immediately, without long preparation time. With no cables to sort out or electrodes to stick on, you're ready to go right away. Just put on the suit, start the app and start working out!

Allows you to train at your own pace, but not alone

Furthermore, with myostyle you are not only flexible in terms of time, but also in terms of the actual training: You can train 100% individually, however, you do not have to do without professional guidance. Just use the myostyle app as your personal trainer!

Once you start the app, it guides you safely through all the steps: What do you want to work out today? Discover our wide range of workout programs, from muscle training for beginners and professionals to back training, cardio, fat burning and high intensity training (HIT). Make your choice and then just follow the workout video.

Just take a look: Link Training Procedure.

How long does a training session with the myostyle Smart Suit last?

The question of how long and how often you should train per week to achieve an optimal effect is an important topic in sports science. A general answer is difficult to give here, because it depends of course on your fitness level and your training goals.

With EMS training, 2 x 20 minutes per week is considered optimal for most people. Accordingly, you will find a variety of workouts of 10-20 minutes in the myostyle Smart App - depending on the training goal and the selected program.

You can also customize the intensity of your workouts. For example, if you plan to start with only one EMS session per week or prefer several short sessions. If in doubt, always seek advice from a coach, doctor or physiotherapist.

In particular, the EMS training is suitable:

  • For fitness fans who have a lot of stress and little time
  • for people who don't like gym
  • for people, who have already tried everything and now finally want to achieve their training goals
  • as an accompaniment to a diet program
  • for returning to training after an illness or injury
  • for people with joint problems
  • for people with physical disabilities
  • for self-confessed couch potatoes who want to do something good for their body
  • for active competitive athletes, especially during competition preparation

Essential for your training success: The regeneration time

The body needs a recovery period after a workout - this is also and especially true after a particularly intense EMS workout. Therefore, you should plan at least 48 hours of recovery time between workouts.

In this phase your body is by no means "lazy", quite the opposite: this is exactly the time when tiny muscle injuries are healed and new muscle fibers are formed.

This regeneration process can be supported by appropriate measures. You can find detailed tips for an optimal post-workout phase here: "Your push to the finish line: Our best tips for your successful EMS training"

Get to your optimal training plan step by step

The above tips have already addressed many important points that need to be considered when creating a training plan. You can create your training plan directly in the app with the premium version of myostyle.

Please find here once again a clear step-by-step guide:

  • Set a fitness goal - What do you want to achieve?
  • Maintaining the status quo - Where are you now?
  • Training & Rest Days - How will you divide your week?
  • Setting - Where and with which equipment do you want to train?
  • Programs - With myostyle you don't have to worry about exercise order, sets and reps. Just follow the workout plan created for you - each workout is saved in your calendar!
  • Missed a workout? No problem, the app will show you that too, so you can catch up on this training session in a timely manner!

You can also add a training diary to this plan if you like: Note down what you find particularly easy or difficult, what you would like to pay particular attention to, what questions you would like to clarify. And very important: regularly record your progress!

The myostyle Smart App accompanies you through all training phases: from the warm-up to the actual workout to active regeneration with stretching and relaxation exercises. It also offers you personalized nutrition plans to optimally support your training.